Who are we?
New residents
Welcome to the beautiful Ozarks! Should you have any emergency, phone 911. Let the dispatcher know the nature of your emergency and that you live in Marion County, Arkansas. They will contact our VFD. A 911 call from your cell phone might reach Marion County, Missouri.
If you haven’t been in touch with anyone from the Pine Mountain VFD, this website can be a source of helpful information about our VFD and the Pine Mountain community. Just scan each page to see what’s there.
Note that the annual PMVFD newsletter is posted on this website. It contains all kinds of information about our VFD. Look also at the Latest News page and the Notices page. Both are reliable sources of information. And you can read the Minutes of the Board of Directors for the last four quarters. The minutes will give you an idea of the issues confronting our VFD, its financial standing, the number and type of fire and EMR calls since the previous Board meeting and other information.
But be aware of one very important fact: The operation of this organization depends entirely on volunteers. There is no paid staff to do anything. Whether the task is big or small, someone has volunteered their time and effort to do it. In fact, this notice has been prepared and posted by a volunteer. So if you think of something more that our VFD should do, please volunteer to take on the task. Together, we can make certain that the PMVFD provides the best possible service to our community.
Fire Fighter/Emergency Medical Responder Trainings
All firefighters and EMR volunteers go through monthly trainings to keep them up to date on firefighting and EMR safety skills. Check the Calendar of Events for times and location.