Pine Mountain VFD

Emergency response & fire fighting

Donations and Annual Membership Fees


Donate or pay annual dues securely using Mastercard/Visa or PayPal.  All donations will go to the Pine Mountain VFD PayPal Account for Charities and Non-Profits.

If you are paying annual dues of $50 please add $1.50 to cover the credit card fee.

Also, be sure to describe what your donation is for and your name in the Pine Mountain VFD box.

Box 1:  Include your name and what the donation is for, like annual dues or donation.

Box 2:  Type out your donation amount in US Dollars like this…51.50.  You do not have to include a dollar symbol.  

You can also visit this link to make a donation or pay your annual dues.   PMVFD PayPal Account.

Pine Mountain VFD is a non-profit organization.  Your donations are tax deductible.  Donate before the end of the year and we will send you a receipt.